Friday, May 23, 2014

Antioxidant Benefits

Dr. Oz’s explanation for all of the low scores was that people
aren’t eating enough fruits and vegetables, which is the easiest
way to boost your antioxidants. Your level of antioxidants also
depends upon a bunch of other factors:

Your diet
Your supplementation
Your level of stress and how you manage it
Your exposure to radiation
Your exposure to pollution
The following diagram contains a clear and simple explanation of
how antioxidants help us:
Our body's health depends on our CELLS HEALTH. To slow
down aging, limit illness and prevent diseases, we must protect
and feed our cells properly.

CELLS are made up of atoms. Healthy atoms are " paired "
electrons ( yellow dot) .When healthy cells replicate they made
an exact copy. FREE RADICALS atom missing an electron,steal
an electron from surrounding atom and they alter to destroy
cells. Cells that die and cells that replicate in a damage state
are the cause or contribute to premature aging,sickness and
diseases such as cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis and many

So, we want to have the highest level possible of antioxidants
because antioxidants create a defense for the body to prevent
disease and help us heal faster if we do get sick.
If you look at the diagram, you can see that if your level of
antioxidants were in the red or the orange (between 10,000 and
30,000), you wouldn’t have a lot of reserves to protect you
against the negative effects of free radicals.
Stress Management is Key to Maintaining Your Antioxidant
What I have found very interesting with the people I’ve been
testing is that diet and educated supplementationare clearly
important to establish their base level, AND how they manage
their stress seems to be of prime importance in keeping their
levels high.

When they go through a period of increased stress, it can lower
their levels as much as 20,000 points in a few weeks.
What Can You Do Right Now to Raise or Maintain Your
Antioxidant Levels?
Eat More Veggies and Fruit- most people recommend 9 servings
(fist-fulls) per day .

Take good quality supplements . —try our flagship C24/7
natura-ceuticals,, the World's first natura-ceuticals which
contains the highest level of antioxidants with approximately
22,000 phytonutrients in one has 5 anti-aging
antioxidants,and 4 longevity polyphenols added to the 131

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