About Me

Hi my Name is Ronnie Bong De Paula, I'm OFW and the creator of www.aimronnie.blogspot.ae/. Welcome to my Blog.

If you are looking for ways of making more money while at home, then you are in the right place. In this blog I will share with you some of the strategies and techniques that I'm currently doing to make money from my spare time while I'm working. You will learn how you can earn additional passive income in your spare time.
Can you imagine having lots of free time to spend with your family, not worrying about your monthly bills and not dealing with the daily stress of going to your to your job?

                                                             "About Me"

I'm a husband to a loving wife and a Father to a wonderful daughter.My Hobbies are extreme sports, Martial arts such as karatedo, pencak silat, taekwondo, mix martial arts, watching UFC and I spend my spare time reading ebooks, Leaning from great Guru's specially from the authors and Guru's like Robert Kiyoski and Paul zane pilzer. I learn a whole bunch from these amazing people. I also love to spend time to do my other hobbies like cooking and baking. 

"My Story"

A couple of years ago, I went abroad to be an OFW. I've been away from my home for 5 years as a Floor Supervisor Five Star Hotel in Middle East. When I got back to The Philippines, A friend of mine recommended a book by an author named Robert Kiyosaki. The book is called "Rich Dad Poor Dad". After reading that brilliant book, a big shift of course happened to my life and it transform me to who I am today. A guy with a very entrepreneurial spirit and has a hunger for learning more in developing my self.

When I was just starting out in this line of business, I struggle and I don't know what to do to become successful.
Then I started Looking for some answers and solutions, then when I have discovered the strategies I'm about to teach in this blog, I was able to start creating success for me and for my business. Right now Im earning P30,000 per month working partime while Im working. I was able to fire my boss and quite my day job. But the best part, Now I have lots of free time to spend with my love ones and to do my hobbies.

"The Solution"

After failing so hard, I started to look for answers on the INTERNET. I started Educating my self BIG time. Read lot's of books, digested so many training, and most importantly, met many Coaches and Mentors. For my own opinion having Mentors to guide you in any business is very Important. Not only it will speed up your learning curve but you will also be guided on what things to avoid.In studying Internet Network Marketing, I Learned 2 very important skills, first How to generate endless number of highly qualified prospects and I learned how to attract prospects to me instead of me chasing and hunting them down. This 2 skills solve my problems and turned my business around. By Combining the power of the internet and Online Marketing Strategy I'm on my quest to build my business and achieve Time and Financial Freedom.

"My Intentions"

One of my deepest passion is helping other people like you succeed by sharing you all the knowledge and skills that I've learned and will learn and hopefully inspire and empower you in your business journey, to unlock your untapped and hidden potentials that will bring positive results for you and to those people around you.

So if you ready making money from home, go ahead and subscribe for my free training. Simply register your email to the from that you will find on the top right side of this blog.

Ronnie Bong De Paula
CEO (Chief Empowerment Officer)
Cell# (+639475757478)
Website: http://aimronnie.blogspot.ae/

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