Friday, April 11, 2014

What is network marketing?


I was inspired by the words of Mr. Robert Kiyosaki, in the image shown, and came out with the following analysis:

That to serve more people irrespective of your situation and the will to do it will make you think differently, because building people maybe out of nothing will make you the richest man in the world- not money-wise but a morally upright person motivated to do goodness to a neighbor.

Network Marketing is the way to more opportunities of helping people that will open the door for success in life. Just like what I wrote in one of my articles entitled, "LIVE, LEARN, SHARE...and EARN LATER," sharing is the most morale and awarded act that we can ever do to person who is in need but of course, we should not expect for a return because everything will follow in a different way and different reason from a different person or situation. And it is proven, that "the more you give, the more you receive."

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