Saturday, July 26, 2014

8 Ways to Increase Your Mental Strength

Editor’s Note: Wanha from Reddit, shares his advice on what it takes to increase mental toughness.
I’ve always been fascinated with mental toughness and athletes who possess it, and I’ve spent many years trying to understand this topic.
Much of our physical ability is determined by our body structure. I can train as much as I want, but I’ll never beat Usain Bolt in a footrace. Mental toughness, on the other hand, is something that can be learned and cultivated, it can be forged through practice and struggle. Naturally some people are born with a higher level of mental toughness than others, but on the whole it’s a skill that anyone can cultivate to a relatively high level.
Mental toughness is the ability to perform at an optimal level when the stakes are at their highest. Whether that means closing a huge sale or fighting back from the brink of defeat, mental toughness means we don’t allow the situation to overwhelm us emotionally.
One of the most respected NFL coaches, Bill Belichick, defines mental toughness as
“doing what’s right for the team regardless of how you might be feeling at the time.”
In other words, mental toughness is about sacrifice, doing something that’s difficult, pushing past your threshold, playing injured or playing a role you might not be comfortable playing. It’s about putting the team first.
But talking about mental toughness is easy. For every athlete that is mentally tough, there are probably ten athletes that aren’t.
So how do we improve our mental toughness?

Control Your Mind Or It Will Control You

Boiled down to its most basic elements, mental toughness comes down to two choices: to control your mind, or to let your mind control you.
When we don’t control our minds, we accept whatever programming that has been inputted earlier. You see, most of us never chose our current mental programming, we simply stumbled onto it, and now it’s the way we deal with life’s various challenges and situations.
For example, if your default reaction to high-stake moments is fear, anxiety or over-excitment, it’s because somewhere down the line you learned that that strategy works for you. That’s obviously not be a particularly smart strategy, but at the time when you accepted it as part of your programming it was clearly good enough. And once we accept a programming, we usually stop thinking about it and it becomes our default reaction for similar situations.
So if we want to increase our mental toughness, we are going to have to do a little reprogramming of our minds first. From my experience, the key to being mentally tougher is to control your focus and eliminate the little voice of doubt and critique.

It’s All in Your Mind

Most articles you will find on this topic break mental toughness down into various subcategories, such as focus, poise, confidence, courage, and so forth. Although that may make sense from a scientific perspective, I’ve found that such an approach makes it difficult for the average person to put any of the advice to use.
So what follows is my attempt to provide an easier and more natural process to help you perform better when it really counts. I’ve successfully used these techniques myself over the past few years and I believe they can do the same for you.
Let’s get to them.


It’s easy to get down on yourself and let the inner critic run free when things aren’t going well, but that isn’t going to help you.
Instead, fight the urge to criticize and ask yourself if you can make a commitment that you will only bring forth positive energy for the remainder of the match. I’ve found that when you prioritize eliminating all negative thoughts, your focus automatically shifts to the positive ones, and that in turn makes you more likely to enjoy and excel in the big moment.

II. Focus Only On What You Control

Yes, we play to win, that’s why we keep score. But spending time thinking about the potential outcome just diverts your focus and fills your head with unimportant, distracting thoughts.
The remedy is to be present in the moment and let nature take its course. Focus only on the things you actually control: your approach and your attitude. What happens after the next point or after the match doesn’t matter. I’ve found this approach helps me relax, focus and play my best at the key moments.

III. Keep Your Emotional Level Steady

Some of us get more easily up and down that others. The more up and down you get, the more likely you are going to get over-excited or overwhelmed by the situation, and that puts you in a bad spot to win the big points consistently.
The key is to distance yourself from the game just enough so that you’re not swept away with the emotional tides. Don’t only focus on not getting down – also make sure you don’t get too high either, because that disrupts your focus also. Visualize remaining calm and composed in even the biggest situations. Act like you’ve been in those situations a hundred times, and eventually you’ll feel like it too.

IV. Enjoy The Big Moments

This is probably my favorite technique because it takes a moment that is stressful and intimidating and turns it into a moment that’s fun and exciting – something you actually look forward to.
The next time you find yourself in a big moment in a game (e.g. a tiebreak in tennis), remind yourself how exciting and fun these big moments are compared to a casual game with nothing at stake. These are the moments you’ll remember and what you’ll all discuss after the games – enjoy them, embrace them, and feel them with every cell in your body.

Mental Strength and physical pain quote

V. A Prepared Mind is a More Confident Mind

It’s been said that self confidence is ‘your ability to influence the world around you’. What better way to do that than through practice?
When you know you’ve practiced a single shot a thousands of times, you have a lot more faith in being able to rely on your training in a big moment. You don’t need to ‘will’ yourself to do something that has very little chance of succeeding. Remind yourself that all that sweat and sacrifice was a price you paid so you could be victorious today.

VI. Forget About How You Might Look

Sometimes we start thinking how bad we might appear to others if we lose this point – or how embarrassing it would be to blow a big lead. But the moment you start thinking from the outside in, you lose your focus and your ability to stay calm and composed.
Thinking from the outside in is toxic. You are not doing this to “look good” or win the admiration of onlookers, so put all thoughts about looking bad out of your mind and just focus on playing the game one point at a time. Win or loss – do it your way.

VII. Have a Short Memory

This is also one of my favorites. It’s so easy to get angry and criticize ourselves when we make a mistake, but all that usually does is turn one bad play into another.
If the previous point or play didn’t go your way, you need to forget it immediately and concentrate on the next one. Don’t let one bad play ruin the next one.
Just make a note and move on.

VIII. Don’t Expect Perfect Circumstances

It’s easy to say the conditions were poor, you had a little ailment or that nothing is going your way today. But these are all just excuses that tempt you down the road of surrender.
You only get the perfect circumstances so many times in life. Don’t dwell on what has gone against you. Don’t worry that the conditions favor your opponent. Ignore the pain you feel in your knee.
What you have is what you have. There will never be another chance to win this game.
Be like MacGyver and use everything that you have at your disposal to succeed right now.
Mental toughness is really just about approaching the game from the right perspective. The next time you step out onto the field, ignore the score, focus being in the moment and tell that little, criticizing and excuse-seeking voice in your head to shut the hell up. You’ll be glad you did.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Why Not Financially Independent

Many people want to be financially independent to do whatever they want, whenever they want with whomever they want but only a few of them become so.
So if you are one of them, let me give you 6 reasons why you are still not financially independent.

#1 You think it’s impossible

I spoke with many people about financial independence and each one of them completely agrees on the fact that financial independence is great.
Not worrying about money, travelling wherever we want, buying whatever we want without feeling guilty…is something many people want but only a few of them will ever achieve simply because they will tell themselves:
“Stop dreaming! That’s not going to happen, that’s too good to be true…”
Which boils down to:
“That’s impossible”
That belief is what prevents most people from ever reaching financial independence because if they believe something is impossible they won’t take any action. They won’t read any book about finance, they won’t attend seminars, they won’t interview people who are already financially independent, which is necessary to become financially independent.

#2 You don’t have any plan

If you say that one day you’ll be financially independent make sure you have a plan. Having a strong desire to get something is not enough, you need to implement strategies otherwise that’s just dreaming.
So can you tell me what is your plan for the next 5 years? What will you implement exactly in the future to reach your financial independence?
If you can’t answer both questions, finish reading this article and start writing down your plan. I don’t want you to procrastinate! If you tell me that you’ll make it tomorrow you won’t do it. So start making a plan and stick to it!

#3 You spend all your pay immediately

Don’t be like 80% of people; pay yourself first! That’s the rule n°1. No matter what you’ve read so far about wealth creation or financial independence saving money must be your priority.
So what do I mean by paying yourself first? “Paying yourself first means that every time you get any income you want to immediately put 10% of your money aside (on another account for example). Before paying any rent, any taxes, any loan, food, clothes…”

#4 You take advice

This point is also really important. A lot of people who want to become financially independent take advice from other people around them. That’s a big mistake so if you do it, stop it now.
When you take advice from your friends, family, colleagues…you won’t get any benefits, unless they achieved what you want. The only thing they will give you is thousands of reasons not to invest, not to undertake, not to do this or that. They will hold you back with their fears and expectations.
Only take advice from people who already have the result you want to get!

#5 You don’t make sacrifices

We tend to think that financial independence is something that we will get with time and patience. Time and patience are necessary of course but a lot of efforts are required too.
You need to make some sacrifices! I know when you come back from work or school you’re tired and the only thing you want is lay down on your sofa and watch TV, go on Facebook or watch videos of cute cats on Internet.
If you want to be financially independent forget all of that and read books and watch educational videos about what you want to achieve for example.
You need to get your head right if you want to create wealth. That’s a part of the sacrifices you need to make.
With time you’ll see that you will enjoy it. Reading books will be almost like seeing money coming in into your bank account. But if you notice that after reading 1 or 2 books you don’t enjoy the time you spend getting educated on that topic, you should forget about becoming wealthy. Because what’s the point of becoming financially independent if you don’t like the process involved?

#6 You are not grateful

You need to recognize the wealth you already have. Be grateful for being alive, for having a family, friends…if you are not, financial independence will bring you nothing. Don’t think that money will bring you happiness. If you don’t see the beauty in your life today, you won’t see it tomorrow with $1billion.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Buhay OFW

Kapag Abroad na pag uusapan, maraming excited,Kapag
AIM Global na pag uusapan, maraming takot....Kapag
nalaman na my WANTED TUTOR sa Middle east, pipila
ang mga aplikante.
Kapag nalaman na my WANTED DISTRIBUTOR sa AIM
Global, ini ignore lng ng iba.....
Kapag abroad khit gaano kamahal ang placement fee, ay
ginagawaan ng paraan,
Kapag sa AIM Global khit mura lng ang capital,
ay hirap parin gawan ng paraan.....
Sa Abroad 15k-30k ang placement fee,
Sa AIM Global 7,980 lng ang capital.....
Sa Abroad u can earn 10k-25k per month.
Sa AIM Global u have a chance to earn 24k per day......Sa
Abroad u need to work 8 hours or moreSa AIM Global u
need to work 2 hours or more.....
Sa Abroad bawal magkasakit dahil walang mag aalaga sa
Sa AIM Global, ok lng magkasakit dahil my mga gamot
at free check up......
Sa Abroad buhay mo ang itataya mo,
Sa AIM Global, pera mo lng ang itataya mo....
Sa Abroad kapag nagkamali ka, pagagalitan ka or
sasaktan ka or maaaring papatayin ka.
Sa AIM Global, kapag nagkamali ka, may mgtuturo sa
u,"the more u wrong, the more u learn"......
Sa Abroad kapiling mo c homesick,
Sa AIM Global kapiling mo pamilya mo....
Gud luck sa lahat ng OFW at congrats$
sa lahat ng kapwa ko AIMERS
Happy changing lives! 24/7

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Ayoko Mag-Business!

* May trabaho na kasi ako,
* Regular na kasi ako,
* Na-promote kasi ako,
* Mataas na kasi sahod ko,
* Nabubuhay na kami ng trabaho ko,
* Napagkakasya pa naman sahod,
... Medyo kinakapos pa rin,
Tumataas na ang presyo ng bilihin, ayoko na...!!!
Hihintayin mo pa ba na umabot sa ganyan ang buhay mo?
Kahit gaano kalaki ang sahod mo, empleyado ka pa din at hindi basta lalaki ang sahod mo kumpara sa boss mo.
At sa maniwala ka't sa hindi, totoo ang larawang nakikita mo.
Buhay empleyado: trabaho-sweldo-bayad-utang.
Buhay empleyado: JOB - Just Obey Boss
Buhay empleyado pa din ba ang gusto mo?
Sino mas mayaman? Intsik o Pilipino?
Sino mas mayaman? Negosyante o Empleyado?
Ano mas maganda? Trabaho o Negosyo?
Sana nabuksan ko ang isip mo, walang masama maging empleyado pero mas walang masama na habang empleyado ka meron kang Additional Income.
Tandaan mo...
"Kung ano ka ngayon, yan ay dahil sa mga desisyon mo kahapon. Kung ano ka bukas, yan ay dahil sa magiging desisyon mo ngayon."
"Life is defined by the choices you make."
Together Let's Learn While We Earn.
‪#‎Join‬ AIM Global...POWER!!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014



Hope to inspire many:)

PARANG TRAFFIC lang dating when we visited our old house.
My PROUD parents with the 5 cars/SUV's of THE BIG FIVE GANNABAN:):):) it's so PRICELESS to see the JOY in them. ( Bigla kong naalala nung unang bili palang ng kuya ko ng first car nya, dahil sa sobrang excitement ng nanay ko na first time makasakay sa bagong bago na kotse, nakalimutang isuot ang tsinelas nya, dahil paglabas ng kotse wala na syang mahagilap na tsinelas)hehe! And right now, ang problema nila, AY KUNG SAAN DAW SILA SASAKAY sa dami ng pagpipilian nila sabay ang sabi, ANG SAYA SAYA PALA NG MARAMING ANAK, lalo na kung nag-aAIM GLOBAL at lahat successful:)

Thank God for our VICTORY against poverty! Thank God sa AIM GLOBAL for using it to blessed us EXCEEDINGLY... Naalala ko lang, simula nagkamulat kami, sa bakuran nayan, dyan kami laging naglalaga ng mais para ibenta sa palengke o di kaya sa gilid ng highways para lang may pangkain... Pero Ngayon? Sinong makkapagsabi na ang mga dating nagbebenta mais ay KAMI NA NGAYON:):) My Heart OVERFLOWS with JOY.., for God made it all POSSIBLE for us. Salamat sa aming UPLINE and kuya Rodel Gannaban na naglakas ng LOOB at di nawalan ng PAG-asa na mabago ang buhay namin. Siya ang PASIMUNO ng lahat ng SUCCESS namin. I will be FOREVER thankful for him na ginamit ng Diyos para maiangat kami sa hirap. Malamang hanggang ngayon, nagbebenta pa rin kami ng mais, o malamang DH pa rin sa Hongkong kung wala siya na NAGLAKAS LOOB para gumawa ng hakbang towards a TREMENDOUS CHANGEs IN OUR LIVES. Ahhhh, naiiyak ako tuloy while writing this... Thank YOU LORD for our cars, houses, financial freedom, time freedom and a lot to mention at syempre EXPECTING and BELIEVING for MORE!!
Thank You Lord na kahit kami ay pinagtatawanan nun You gave us strength and inspiration to KEEP GOING...(halos lahat ng kapitbahay kamaganak namin hindi naniniwala sa oportunidad na inooffer namin) thank You Lord sa mga OWNERS, training Team, our mentors and to all our GENUINE FAMILY!!
Glory to God!!

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